Friday 8 August 2008


1. The Bikram yoga centre which is a place I go to if I am feeling a little depressed or stressed and it always makes me feel better [DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE].

2. Charlie [subject], who is probably one of my closest friends, always knows how to console me.[NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE = NOT NECESSARY INFORMATION]

3. Heaven and hell is a notion [object] [idea/concept] I will never be able to accept.

4. A small watercolour [subject], which is probably my most treasured possession, was given to me for my birthday by a friend. [please explain where/how you bought this, or how it was given to you]

5. Few people have heard of Bridget Riley, who is an abstract painter [write what he/she did], but s/he’s very famous in my country.

6. London,
a. …where all the cool people live, is now where I live too.
b. which I’ve always dreamed of visiting, now seems to me like just another big, alienated city….[explain your feelings about London now]

7. She’s the girl whom [WITH who] I’ve been studying with.

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