Friday, 8 August 2008


I like to read and discover something new. The last book i read is a book called "Rocks and Fossils: The Ultimate Guide to the Earth". I found that this book is so fascinating, full of knowledge and inspiring. This books reveals a variety different of rocks, a sparkling diamonds and a fossils. As you may know that i am going to take masters in jewellery next month, thats why for me this book is very helpfull. There's a lot of stone exept gold, metal or diamonds that we can use as an accescories in this world. Thats find me very interesting. Perhaps i might use this book as my bible. Which is for me, i hope this book takes you on a journey to the most remarkable geological sites in this world.

My thought about a book called: "Rocks and Fossils: The Ultimate Guide to the Earth" by Arthur B. Busbey III, et al.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Interesting. What was the most interesting thing you learnt from this book?